解密美国FDA、农业部、环保署不敢接受崔永元采访确切原因Decrypting the definite reason why FDA, USDA and EPA was scared to accept interview by Cui Yong-yuan
1. FDA这个机构的首要责任是什么?
What are the primary responsibilities of the institution of FDA?
2. FDA在美国的食品和医药管理环节、在国民健康环节,一直都发挥着哪些作用?
What roles is FDA playing in the areas of food and drug administration, as well as the areas of well-being of national health?
3. 中国公众对美国FDA的印象是监管很严格,你们对转基因作物、转基因食品采用了什么样的方式监管?监管对象都有哪些?
Chinese citizens are under the impression that the regulation of FDA is very strict, so what approaches does FDA use for regulation of GMO plants and GMO food, and what are the objects of regulation?
4. 在FDA,转基因食品是不是由“食品添加剂”办公室管理咨询的?
At FDA, is GMO food regulated and consulted by the Office of Food Additive Safety?
5. 2013年5月12日,全球56个国家400多个城市200多万民众举行反对孟山都游行(March Against Monsanto)。2013年10月12日,全球许多国家民众又举行这样的游行抗议。你们认为全球为什么会有这么多人举行反对孟山都、反对转基因危害大游行?
On May 12, 2013, more than 2 million people participated in the March Against Monsanto in more than 400 cities in 56 countries. On October 12, 2013, similar marches and protests were organized in many countries around the world. Why do you think there have been worldwide so many protests against Monsanto and against GMOs?
6. 美国市场销售的“加工食品”(processed food)百分比%多少含转基因成分?“加工食品”以外的“全食品”(whole food)百分比%多少为转基因?市场销售的美国人最主要的主粮,小麦加工的面粉与稻米加工的大米,百分比%多少为转基因?为什么?
What percent of the processed food sold in American markets has GMO ingredients? What percent of the whole food, excluding processed food, has GMO ingredients? What percent of the main food sold in American markets, such as flour made from wheat and rice made from paddy, has GMO ingredients? Why?
7. 除了孟山都对抗草甘膦转基因大豆(RR soybeans)“食用安全性”向FDA提交的毒理学动物喂养试验报告以外,FDA是否委托过任何美国独立研究机构对抗草甘膦转基因大豆(RR soybeans)的“食用安全性”做毒理学动物喂养试验?为什么?
In addition to the report submitted to FDA by Monsanto regarding the toxicological experiments of animal feeding to test the food safety of RR soybeans, did FDA ever authorize any independent research institutes to conduct toxicological experiments of animal breeding to test the food safety of RR soybeans? Why?
8. 到目前为止,FDA批准过美国以外哪些国家哪些转基因作物产品和/或含这种转基因成分的加工食品进入美国市场?为什么?
So far, what kinds of GMO food and/or processed food containing GMO ingredients have been approved to enter American markets from foreign countries? From which countries? Why?
9. 为什么转基因公司曾宣传得很多的(近年来在中国还在宣传),将北极寒带鱼的耐寒基因转入西红柿等,这样的产品在美国现在没有进行市场销售? FDA 有没有收到过这样的转基因作物批准申请?为什么没有批准?
Some GMO companies used to promote tomatoes that are genetically engineered with the cold-tolerance genes from fish in the Arctic, (and they are still promoting this kind of tomatoes in China in the recent years). Why these GMO product presently not sold in the market? Has FDA received application for approval regarding this type of GMO crops? Why did they not get approved?
1. 美国总共有多大面积可耕地?美国全部可耕地中目前有多大比例进行农业种植?多大比例没有进行农业种植,和/或处于休耕状态?美国目前进行农业种植的全部耕地中,多大比例种植转基因作物?
How much arable land does the US have? How much percent of the current arable land in the US is used for agriculture? How much percent is not used for agriculture and/or left fallow? How much percent of all agricultural land in the US is used for GMO crops?
2. 美国的可耕地土地和人口比例怎样?即每个美国人平均对应于多大面积的可耕地?
What is the ratio of arable land to people in the US? Namely, what is the average arable land available per capita in the US?
3. 美国农业部的职责是什么?你们的哪些职责与转基因作物有关?
What are the responsibilities of the US department of agriculture? What responsibilities are concerned with GMO crops?
4. 在美国种植的转基因作物,为了防止转基因污染非转基因作物,每种植一公顷转基因作物,平均需要留出多大%面积的农田作为“保护区”或者“避难所”(Refuges)?
When GMO crops are grown in the US, what percent of agricultural land per square hectometer needs to be kept as “protected areas”, or “refuges”, in order to prevent non-GMO crops from being affected (“polluted”) by GMO crops?
5. 转基因作物种植以后, 因为土壤中的基因漂移问题,土地是不是要休耕很长时间才有可能种植常规非转基因传统作物?这样的负面影响通常要休耕多长时间才能消除?
After being used to grow GMO crops, does the land need to be left fallow for a long period of time before it can be used to grow normal non-GMO traditional crops, due to the gene flow problem in soil? Usually for how long should the land be left fallow in order to eliminate this negative impact?
6. 美国农业部是否在组织与支持对美国普度大学顿·胡伯博士(Dr. Don Huber, professor emeritus at Purdue University)致信美国农业部长托姆·维萨科(Secretary Tom Vilsack)报告的转基因玉米、转基因大豆与家畜流产死胎尸体里发现的这种不明病原体(pathogen)进行研究?公众何时可以期望看到该项研究的初步结果?美国农业部如果没有支持这种不明病原体进行全面深入研究,为什么?
Is the US department of agriculture organizing and supporting research on the pathogen discovered in GMO corns, GMO beans, and the body of livestock’s miscarriage, which was reported in the letter to Secretary Tom Vilsack of the US department of agriculture from Dr. Don Huber, professor emeritus at Purdue University? When will the general public be able to read the preliminary results of this research? If the US department of agriculture has not supported comprehensive and in-depth research on this pathogen, what is the reason?
7. 美国农业部对于(新西兰)海尼曼博士(Dr. Heinemann, New Zealand)《美国中西部主要作物生产的可持续性》(Sustainability and innovation in staple crop production in the US Midwest)的研究及其结论怎么看?美国农业部对该项研究是否有官方意见?
What does the US department of agriculture think about (New Zealand) Dr. Heinemann’s research and conclusion on the sustainability and innovation in staple crop production in the US Midwest? Is there any official opinion on this research from the US department of agriculture?
1. EPA的主要职责是什么?
What are the primary responsibilities of EPA?
2. EPA如何看待转基因作物种植的利弊?你们对转基因作物和环境保护有怎样关系如何看?
How does EPA view the pros and cons of growing GMO crops? What is your projection on the relationship between GMO crops and environmental?
3. 转基因作物种植时,为什么要设隔离带?如果不设隔离带,或者不设足够隔离带,可能会产生怎样的效果?
Why are buffer zones (isolated areas) set up in the area where GMO crops are grown? What are the consequences if buffer zones are not set up, or not adequate?
4. 最近有报道关于加拿大种植大片转基因作物后,3千7百万蜜蜂死亡。请核实此报道,我们的问题是,蜜蜂大量死亡对于农业意味着什么?
A recent report shows that 37 million bees were found dead in Canada after a large scale of GMO crops were grown there. Please verify this report. Our
question: what does the massive death of bees mean to agriculture?
5. 美国大规模种植抗草甘膦作物及其大量喷洒的孟山都草甘膦除草剂“农达”造成“超级野草”问题,请给我们简单介绍这种“超级野草”在美国泛滥的情况及其数据,造成什么后果及其数据,目前主要采取什么具体治理措施?
Regarding the problem of growing a large scale of glyphosate-resistant crops in the US and the “superweeds” created by the massive use of the Monsanto glyphosate based Roundup, please briefly introduce to us the situation and statistics of the overspreading of these “superweeds,” the consequence and statistics, and the specific methods that are adopted to control the situation.
6. 美国环保部1997年将大豆的草甘膦最高残留限量设置从1982年的6mg/kg提高到20mg/kg,以及今年再提高到40mg/kg,主要是因为有更多科学试验证明草甘膦除草剂残留对动物与人类的毒性更低,不危害健康,还是主要因为抗草甘膦转基因大豆的种植造成越来越高的草甘膦残留?
The glyphosate MRL (max. residue limit) for soybeans was increased to 20mg/kg in 1997 by the US EPA from the limit of 6 mg/kg in 1982 and was increased again to 40mg/kg this year. Is it mainly because more scientific experiments have proved that the residue of glyphosate herbicide is less poisonous and is not harmful to animals and human beings, or is it mainly because the cultivation of glyphosate-resistant GMO beans leads to higher glyphosate residue?
7. 中国目前是草甘膦的最大生产国,也是草甘膦的最大出口国,中国国内喷洒草甘膦除草剂的规模与范围也越来越广。既然美国环保部今年将大豆的草甘膦最高残留限量设置提高为40mg/kg,美国环保部是否建议中国也应当将大豆的草甘膦最高残留限量设置提高为40mg/kg?
Currently, China is the largest producer and the largest exporting state of glyphosate. The scale and scope of using glyphosate herbicide is larger and larger. Since the US EPA increased the glyphosate MRL (max. residue limit) for soybeans to 40mg/kg, will the US EPA recommend China to increase the glyphosate MRL (max. residue limit) for soybeans also to 40mg/kg?
8. 一些美国学者关注到美国一系列恶性疾病近十多年急剧增高,包括甲状腺瘤(甲状腺癌)、肝癌(liver cancer)不育(infertility)、生育畸形(newborn defects)、新生儿心脏病(Congenital Heart Defects)、新生儿低出生体重(low birth weight)、早熟(Precocious puberty)、哮喘(Asthma)自闭症(Autism)、糖尿病(Diabetes)、炎性肠炎(Inflammatory bowel),而且发现这些恶性疾病近十多年急剧增高,与美国喷洒的草甘膦除草剂使用量、转基因大豆、转基因玉米种植量,高度相关。美国EPA是否也在高度关注与研究这种情况,还是认为这种情况与美国喷洒的草甘膦除草剂使用量、与转基因大豆、转基因玉米种植量,绝对毫无关系?
Some American scholars have noticed a dramatic increase of a series of malignant diseases in the past decade, including thyroid cancer, liver cancer, infertility, newborn defects, congenital heart defects, low birth weight, precocious puberty, asthma, autism, diabetes, and inflammatory bowel. They have also noticed that the dramatic increase of malignant diseases in the past decade is highly related to the amount of the usage of glyphosate herbicide and the crops of GMO beans and GMO corns. Is the US EPA also paying attention to and conducting research on this situation, or does US EPA think there is no correlation between the situation and the amount of the usage of glyphosate herbicide and the crops of GMO beans and GMO corns?