作者:STEPHANIE STROM; 时间:2015年5月25日; 翻译:jrry86)
(原文连接:http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/26/business/similac-advance-infant-formula-to-be-offered-gmo-free.html?_r=1 )
The maker of Similac Advance, the top commercial baby formula brand in the United States, says it will begin selling the first mainstream baby formula made without genetically altered ingredients by the end of the month at Target.
美国顶尖婴儿配方奶粉品牌雅培Advance(Similac Advance)宣布月底前将在连锁超市Target出售第一个主流非转基因婴儿配方奶粉。
Similac’s maker, the global health care company Abbott, said it would first offer a “non-G.M.O.” version of its best-selling Similac Advance, followed by a non-G.M.O. version of Similac Sensitive. Depending on sales, Abbott may offer other formulas free of such ingredients.
雅培制造商、全球医疗保健公司Abbott说,它将首先提供其最畅销产品Similac Advance的非转基因版本,然后再提供非转基因版本的Similac Sensitive。按照销售情况,Abbott可能再提供其它非转基因版本的配方奶粉。
Abbott will join a growing number of companies offering popular products without genetically modified organisms. Consumer demand for such products has been growing, despite a concerted and expensive effort by trade groups representing major food manufacturers and the biotech industry to convince them that genetically altered ingredients are not harmful to human health.
“We listen to moms and dads, and they’ve told us they want a non-G.M.O. option,” said Chris Calamari, general manager of Abbott’s pediatric nutrition business. “We want to make sure we meet the desires of parents.”
“我们倾听爸爸妈妈的声音,他们告诉我们他们需要非转基因。”Abbott的儿童营养业务总管Chris Calamari说,“我们必须确保满足父母的需求。”
A new online study of 1,829 adults selected by Fluent, a consumer marketing and advertising firm, found that nearly one in five of them said they preferred non-G.M.O. products.
“The preference for non-G.M.O. products in particular is more pronounced amongst shoppers with higher household incomes and with shoppers based in the Northeast,” said Matt Conlin of Fluent.
“倾向于非转基因产品的购买者更明显的集中于家庭收入较高的人群以及东北部的人群。”Fluent的Matt Conlin说。
Most mainstream baby formula is made from various corn and soy derivatives, and more than 90 percent of those crops in America are grown from genetically altered seeds.
Over the last few years, consumers have petitioned Abbott and other big makers of infant formula to remove genetically altered ingredients.
That movement, Mr. Calamari said, had nothing to do with the introduction of non-G.M.O. versions of Similac, though. Rather, he said, the company’s own research had prompted the decision. “Over one-third of consumers say it would have appeal to them and give them peace of mind,” he said.
As consumer interest in improving health through nutrition has grown, Abbott has also begun moving to sell more of its products beyond niche audiences. For instance, the company recently began marketing Pedialyte, an oral electrolyte solution that has long been recommended for sick children by pediatricians, to adults.
“We’ve known that we always had an underground movement of adults who used it for various purposes,” said Lindsy Delco, a spokeswoman for Abbott. “We recently started digging into that and found that since 2012, one-third of our sales” are for adult use.
“我们已经了解到一直有一些成年人为了不同的目的使用这个产品。”Abbott的女发言人Lindsy Delco说,“最近我们开始在这方面挖掘,并发现从2012年以来,三分之一的销售是为满足成年人的使用。”
Abbott already has a G.M.O.-free formula in Similac Organic. (By law, organic products cannot contain genetically altered ingredients.) But the company said its research showed that parents wanted a G.M.O.-free version of the original Similac Advance, which was formulated to be more similar to breast milk than Similac Organic.
Abbott一直都有一个非转基因的婴儿配方“雅培有机(Similac Organic)”。(根据法律,有机产品不能含有转基因成分。)但是该公司说它自己的研究显示父母们需求非转基因版本的Similac Advance,后者比“雅培有机”更接近人奶。
In the 52 weeks that ended March 28, sales of all baby formulas totaled just over $4 billion in the United States, according to the market research company Nielsen.
Mark Kastel of the Cornucopia Institute, an organic advocacy and research group, said he was pleased that a major baby formula company would offer a G.M.O.-free product.
有机产品倡导者和研究机构Cornucopia Institute的Mark Kastel说,很高兴看到一个主要的婴儿配方奶粉公司提供非转基因产品。
“Since formula is really the only thing infants eat for some time,” he said, parents are concerned about feeding them “products that are largely made from G.M.O. ingredients.”