【评论:竭力推动中国效仿美国推广“化学农业、转基因农业”的部门绝对不是“农业部”而是“破坏中国农业部”!】 美国越来越多农民正在抛弃转基因种子,但不是因为他们意识形态上反对转基因产业,而是非转基因作物产量更高利润更大。《现代农民》两年前报道,惠格李奇种植了 320英亩非转基因传统玉米与1700英亩转基因玉米。非转基因传统玉米农田“每英亩产量,比转基因农田多15-30蒲式耳,每英亩利润多100美元”。去年,他种植的非转基因传统玉米增加到750英亩。抗草甘膦除草剂野草蔓延,造成他2001年到2010年除草剂使用量增加了26%。《农场与水观察》报告,美国6120万英亩农田遭受对草甘膦除草剂产生抗性的野草之害。《现代农民》的一篇文章,题目为《后转基因经济》,提供了农民们抛弃转基因的极好理由。杂志涵盖的某些有意思的事实包括:每种植一英亩转基因玉米的成本,比种植每英亩非转基因玉米高$80.85;购买转基因种子的价格,与非转基因种子相比,每包多 $150;销售非转基因食品的市场规模从2011年13亿美元扩大到2013年31亿美元;非转基因种子的市场在扩大。销售非转基因种子的《全谱种子方案》公司的销售额,过去四年每年翻一番。随着越来越多农民抛弃转基因,过去的(无转基因—译注)看来就是未来。
American Farmers Abandoning Genetically Modified Seeds: “Non-GMO Crops are more Productive and Profitable”
http://www.globalresearch.ca/american-farmers-abandoning-genetically-modified-seeds-non-gmo-crops-are-more-productive-and-profitable/5366365 By Global Research News by Daniel Jennings
Global Research, January 27, 2014 offthegridnews.com
A growing number of farmers are abandoning genetically modified seeds, but it’s not because they are ideologically opposed to the industry.
Simply put, they say non-GMO crops are more productive and profitable.
Modern Farmer magazine discovered that there is a movement among farmers abandoning genetically modified organisms (GMO) because of simple economics.
“We get the same or better yields, and we save money up front,” crop consultant and farmer Aaron Bloom said of non-GMO seeds. Bloom has been experimenting with non-GMO seeds for five years and he has discovered that non-GMO is more profitable.
The re-converts to non-GMO seeds are not hippies but conservative Midwestern farmers who are *** a business decision, Modern Farmer discovered. They are switching back to natural seed because it is more profitable — not because of any ideology.
“Five years ago the [GMO seeds] worked,” said farmer Christ Huegerich, who along with his father planted GMO seeds. “I didn’t have corn rootworm because of the Bt gene, and I used less pesticide. Now, the worms are adjusting, and the weeds are resistant. Mother Nature adapts.”
Farmers can get paid more for conventional corn than GMO corn. Plus, Huegerich discovered, convention corn can produce more per acre.
Modern Farmer reported that two years ago, Huegerich planted 320 acres of conventional corn and 1,700 with GMO corn. The conventional fields “yielded 15 to 30 more bushels per acre than the GMO fields, with a profit margin of up to $100 more per acre.” Last year, he planted conventional corn in 750 acres.
“I get a fifty-cent-per-bushel premium,” Huegerich said of the non-GMO corn he grows in Breda, Iowa.
Herbicide use increased by 26 percent between 2001 and 2010 because of the spread of herbicide-resistant weeds. Huegerich said he used herbicides on GMO corn and conventional corn, even though theoretically he shouldn’t have to use it on his genetically modified crop.
The group Farm & Water Watch reported that 61.2 million acres of cropland in the US are plagued by weeds that are resistant to the popular glyphosate herbicides.
Why Non-GMO Seeds Are More Profitable
The Modern Farmer article, called The Post GMO-Economy, makes an excellent case for farmers dumping GMO. Some of the interesting facts the magazine uncovered include:
§ The cost of growing one acre of non-GMO corn was $680.95, the cost of growing an acre of GMO corn was $761.80 according to Aaron Bloom. That means it costs $80.85 more an acre to raise GMO corn.
§ 种植一英亩非转基因玉米的成本为$680.95,种植一英亩转基因玉米的成本为$761.80,依据阿龙·布鲁姆。这意味着,每种植一英亩转基因玉米的成本,比种植每英亩非转基因玉米高$80.85。
§ GMO seeds can cost up to $150 a bag more than regular seeds.
§ 购买转基因种子的价格,与非转基因种子相比,每包多 $150。
§ The market for non-GMO foods has grown from $1.3 billion in 2011 to $3.1 billion in 2013, partially because some Asian and European countries don’t want GMO seeds.
§ 销售非转基因食品的市场规模从2011年13亿美元扩大到2013年31亿美元,部分因为某些亚洲与欧洲国家不要转基因种子。
§ Grain dealer Clarkson Grain pays farmers an extra $2 a bushel for non-GMO soybeans and an additional $1 a bushel for non-GMO corn.
§ 粮商克拉克森谷物公司,对每蒲式耳非转基因大豆向农民支付比转基因大豆多支付$2美元,对对每蒲式耳非转基因玉米向农民支付比转基因玉米多支付$1美元。
§ The market for non-GMO seed is growing. Sales at Spectrum Seed Solutions, which sells non-GMO seed, have doubled every year for the last four years. Sales at another company that markets non-GMO seeds, eMerge Genetics of West Des Moines, Iowa, have increased by 30 percent a year for five years.
§ 非转基因种子的市场在扩大。销售非转基因种子的《全谱种子方案》公司的销售额,过去四年每年翻一番。《eMerge Genetics》,爱荷华州West Des Moines另外一家销售非转基因种子的公司,过去五年销售额每年增加啊30%。
§ Spectrum Seed Solutions president Scott Odle thinks that non-GMO corn could be 20 percent of the market in five years.
§ 《全谱种子方案》公司总裁斯科特·奥狄勒认为,(大豆、玉米—译注)非转基因种子五年内将达到市场销售总量的20%。
Bloom, the farm consultant, said planting convention corn can save farmers an average of $81 per acre per season. That’s a difference of $81,000 for a farm of 1,000 acres.
It looks like the past might be the future for farmers as more and more growers abandon GMO. The free market could very well spell the end of GMO seeds.